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/ Money in the 90s (1994 Edition) / Money In the 90s.iso / picture2 / f93c35.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-01-24  |  90KB  |  447x296  |  8-bit (243 colors)
Labels: bulletin board | gazette | monitor | newspaper | sky
OCR: CARDS THAT PROMISE NO FEE FOR LIFE Most banking fees are on the rise Isee the YOU meet the conditions noted in the table. text above) but atleast one kind becoming Moreowver the tour charge interes thatis rarer Thatis the annoying $15 to $39-a- well Ibelow the fat 18 1.3% national average for yearcredit -card levy. More than dozen na all cards, fee orno fee, and Igive you 25 days tional issuers now charge no all up topay the hil before interest starts from onb sixin 1988(see our monthly listof crue If you happen to like that tee -hearing no fee cards with the lowest interest card alread, your wallet though, don't charges on page 36]. But the four cards be give Call and say you want to cancelit: low go further. They promise that : they will some issuers iwillwalve their: yearly toll just ne ...